Headmaster's message Friday 3rd May 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians, This week has been a much quieter week than normal with a day off for Labour Day on Wednesday. Last weekend we had another set of sporting achievements with our Under 9s winning the BISA netball tournament and the U11s taking runner up in their division. We will have much to celebrate in our sports awards evenings this term which will be advertised soon. We had a record number of students enter the UKMT Junior Maths challenge. 3 of our students have qualified for the Mathematics Olympiad. Well done to Poh, Wish and Luke. I am receiving daily feedback from our Vex team in Dallas who are thoroughly enjoying the competition and riding the rollercoaster of successes and challenges. regardless of the final achievements, we can be certain that they are having a fantastic experience competing globally at the highest level. External examinations are now in session with Art and DT exams this week. We wish all of our students success in their exams. Have a ...