
Showing posts from June 9, 2024

Headmaster's message 14/6/24

Dear Parents and Guardians, I returned to school on Wednesday after conducting a school inspection for the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) for the UK government's British Schools Overseas (BSO) accreditation. It is always good to visit other schools and gain fresh perspectives. It also helps to frame our methodology for ensuring high standards here and we align our quality assurance with our CIS accreditation but also the BSO framework. This week we have enjoyed the Bangkok Games for Year 5 and 6 students. This event is all about participation and it was great to see almost all of our students in these year groups taking part, making friends in other schools enjoying the wellbeing aspects of playing sport. This week we also held our move-up days and we hope the presentations helped inform parents about what to expect in their new year-groups next year. On Wednesday we held an all day Model United Nations event for Year 9. These events really showcase the quality of a DBS edu

Head of Senior Message - how we continue to nurture great global leaders

  I am thrilled to share the highlights of a remarkable event that took place this week within our school community. Our Year 10-12 students had the unique opportunity to chair discussions on pressing global issues such as renewable energy, net zero targets, and potential government interventions during our highly anticipated Model United Nations (MUN) conference with Year 9 and the members of the MUN in Year 7 and 8. Model United Nations, a program that simulates the United Nations, is an invaluable educational experience that nurtures future global leaders. Through role-playing as delegates from various countries, our students develop a deep understanding of international relations, diplomacy, and the complexities of global governance. This week’s conference was a testament to the profound impact of MUN on our students' growth and their readiness to tackle global challenges. The event saw our senior students stepping into the roles of chairs and delegates, engaging in spirited de

Head of Prep's Message

  Dear DBS Prep Parents and Guardians, We are in the midst of one of the busiest but also one of the most exciting times of the school year - move-up week. This time is about looking ahead and preparing for the next academic year. We have welcomed parents to our presentations about what you can expect and look forward to as your child progresses into the next stage in their education. Our final presentations occur on Monday, and we look forward to seeing future Year 6, and Year 7 parents at those meetings. Monday is also when the children meet their new class teacher or form tutor and enjoy some time in their new classroom and learning environment. We aim to help make the transition process smooth and positive for both children and parents, so please don't hesitate to reach out to the Prep office if you have any questions. Thank you for your engagement and support. Another highlight of the school year for many of our Year 5 and 6 students is the Bangkok Games, a true celebration of

Head of Pre-Prep's Message

  I am thrilled to share the joyous success of our first Year 2 Residential, which took place last Friday night. This monumental event was not only a fantastic adventure but also an incredible opportunity for our young students to shine and showcase their budding independence. Our Year 2 children amazed us with their enthusiasm, bravery, and resilience. As teachers, we were privileged to witness their personalities come alive in new and exciting ways. Their spirit and camaraderie were truly a credit to you, their parents, and we are immensely proud of each and every one of them. The event was filled with a range of exciting activities designed to foster independence and teamwork. From setting up their own tents and preparing their bedding to showering independently, our students embraced each task with remarkable determination and enthusiasm. They mastered the art of making fires and toasting marshmallows, creating memories that will last a lifetime. This experience has not only been a

Our year 10-12 students took a big step towards that vision by leading a Model United Nations (MUN)

Empower the next generation of diplomats! Our year 10-12 students took a big step towards that vision by leading a Model United Nations (MUN) debate for our year 9s. It provided a fantastic platform for these younger students to hone their research, public speaking, and critical thinking skills as they tackled global issues. Their passion and engagement truly embodied the DBS motto: "SEMPER AD MAIORA" (Always to Greater Things). They embraced the challenges with a spirit that reflected the "Five DBS Pillars," particularly the focus on academic excellence and creative thinking. We were incredibly impressed by how they navigated complex situations with maturity and respect.  This MUN Day was a testament that DBS equips students with the knowledge, values, and skills they need to thrive as global leaders in the 21st century. We can't wait to see what these future diplomats achieve! View Gallery

Bangkok Games 2024 - Where Teamwork Takes Center Stage!

This week, the DBS track buzzed with excitement as Bangkok Games 2024 brought together students from across all year groups. Competing alongside 7 other international schools, it was a fantastic display of not just athletic talent, but also the DBS commitment to collaboration. The energy was electric as students cheered each other on, exemplifying the DBS values of generosity and sportsmanship. This event truly captured the spirit of our unique DBS Way - fusing academic excellence with entrepreneurship and creative thinking. Congratulations to all the participants! You've shown us what it means to be a well-rounded DBS student, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and communication abilities to thrive as future leaders. View Gallery

Traffic Reminder

Dear Parents, Please be informed that on Thursday, 20 June 2024, the DBS campus will be hosting the Denla Piano Competition events. We anticipate significant traffic congestion on campus due to the event. To ease the traffic situation, we kindly suggest that parents park at Lotus and walk to school for pick-up. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

The University Talk at DBS, hosted by the University of Nottingham and Srinakharinwirot University!

Reflecting on an inspiring University Talk at DBS, hosted by the University of Nottingham and Srinakharinwirot University!  Our students gained valuable insights into what life will be like in medical school and the admission process, preparing them for their future journeys. This event truly embodied our motto 'SEMPER AD MAIORA'—Always to Greater Things. We're proud to nurture the next generation of global leaders, committed to academic excellence, creative thinking, and well-being.  View Video

Teacher Feature : Mr Robert McMillan

Mr Robert McMillan's educational journey has spanned both the sciences and the arts, with a BSc(Hons) in Animal Science from the University of Nottingham and a Master of Arts in Screenwriting from the London Film School.  His inspiration to become a teacher came from his time on the JET programme in Gifu, Japan, where he spent five years teaching primary and junior high students. In the years following his departure from Japan, he received letters from former students detailing their lives as they progressed through university and into adulthood. The fulfilment derived from these letters led him to recognise that teaching as a vocation was a deeply desired pursuit. 📖 Read More:

Year 6 Met with the Year 10 Sensei for a Cross-Age Japanese Lesson

Ms. Masako Chikushi Japanese Sensei This week, Year 6 students visited the Japanese room to experience Japanese language lessons. In their history lessons, Year 6 students studied the Edo Period. They developed their knowledge and understanding of Japanese traditional historical festivals and how specialists replace a castle’s roof. The students also learned some Hiragana letters: あいうえお! In addition, four Year 10 students (Pink, Sean, Elf, and Earn) taught the Year 6 students how to count from 1 to 20 in Japanese. The Year 10 students have been learning Japanese since August 2023. Pink, Sean, Elf, and Earn said they had a great time with the Year 6 students. The Year 10 students successfully shared their skills with the Year 6 students. Making Origami Pikachu balloons was fun! Year 6 students, I was very impressed by your enthusiasm for new learning. Well done.  Arigatou ありがとう for visiting us. Sensei (Ms. Chikushi)

🎶🎸 DBS Music Update • 14 Jun 2024

  BATTLE OF THE BANDS 2024 Just a little over a fortnight ago, our Year 7 to 9 students rocked the D2 Black Box stage in an energetic Battle of the Bands event. It was a fierce competition with vibrant student bands showcasing their musical prowess. Today, we celebrate the incredible guitarists and bassists who brought the house down with their electrifying performances. From killer riffs to deep bass lines, these young musicians proved that the future of rock music is in good hands! Here's a shoutout to all the bands that battled it out for musical glory on that memorable evening. Keep rocking! 🎶 "WE WILL ROCK YOU" - YEAR 5&6 SHOW Double the talent! On 6 June 2024, our Creative & Performing Arts faculty proudly presented the Young@Part version of "We Will Rock You", featuring the incredible acting and singing prowess of our Year 5 and 6 students. In a unique twist, the production boasted two main casts - one from Year 5, and another from Year 6 - ensur

Into The Woods JR. • Audition Announcement

DBS presents INTO THE WOODS JR. The Creative & Performing Arts faculty is excited to announce audition details for the 2025 production of "Into The Woods JR." at DBS! Please see the image below for important dates regarding the audition process. Please note that the year groups listed below refer to  the year group which the student will be the next academic year, in 2024/25 . So, for example, if Jack is in Year 7 next year , his audition will be held on 21 June 2024.     This production will be open to all students in Year 7 to 13 in the next academic year 2024/25 . If anyone is interested in auditioning, they should complete the audition registration form before Thursday, 20 June.  All audition resources (scripts, songs, sheet music) can be found within the registration form. Students can also access the audition resources by accessing the Google Drive shared folder which has been linked here . Alternatively, students can pick up paper copies of the audition scripts an

Year 2 Residential Night on Campus was an incredible experience!

45 Year 2 children participated in our first DBS Year 2 Residential. During the residential, children had an enriching experience that fostered their independence skills.  Engaging in activities like the 'blind' sherpa walk, where teamwork and trust were paramount, they showcased their ability to collaborate effectively. Pitching their own tents demonstrated self-sufficiency, while learning about fire safety instilled crucial knowledge.  Roasting marshmallows over the fire was not just a treat but a lesson in responsible enjoyment. This experience bolstered their confidence in sleeping away from home, equipping them with the resilience for future residential adventures.  It's moments like these that nurture their growth into great global leaders, embodying our vision and living by the motto 'Semper Ad Maiora' - Always to Greater Things. 🌏💫  ประสบการณ์ที่ไม่มีวันลืมของเยียร์ 2 -  First Ever Year 2 Mini Residential Night on Campus! ครั้งแรกกับประสบการณ์เข้าค่ายค้างค

Join the DBS family with Friends Bring Friends Privilege!

Double the rewards, double the fun! Refer a friend, and get rewarded with DBS Friends Bring Friends Privilege! Join the DBS family and unlock exclusive benefits! New students get a whopping 50% discount on admission fees, while current students enjoy a cool 25,000 THB tuition fee discount! The best part? Share the love with a friend! Refer them to DBS, and both of you get these amazing perks. Don't miss out on this chance to grow together! *Terms and conditions apply.

Congratulations 16th June 2024


Tuition fee term 1, AY2024/25 billing information

Reminder:  Monday, June 17, 2024, is the last day for paying the tuition fee invoice for term 1 of the academic year 2024–2025. The late payment will be applied at the interest rate of 1.25% per month after the due date. Please discard this notice if the payment has already been made. วันจันทร์ที่ 17 มิถุนายน 2024 เป็นวันครบกำหนดชำระค่าเล่าเรียนเทอม 1 ปีการศึกษา 2024/2025 หากชำระล่าช้าจะถูกคิดดอกเบี้ยอัตรา 1.25% ต่อเดือน นับจากวันครบกำหนดชำระ ขออภัย หากผู้ปกครองชำระค่าเล่าเรียนเรียบร้อยแล้ว

Rainbow House Community Service trip

In collaboration with Year 11 GCSE Art students, Year 8 students at DBS dedicated three afternoons to repaint the corridor and sensory room at Rainbow House Children's Centre.  Thanks to the collective efforts of the entire school community, including funds raised through activities like the Pancake Run and charity movie days, as well as donations from "wearing your own clothes days," DBS presented Rainbow House with a cheque of 220,000 baht.  The transformation is evident in the before and after photos, showcasing not only the refreshed walls but also the joy experienced by the students throughout the process. This project exemplifies the DBS community's commitment to values underscoring the school's ethos of giving back to the local community.  Looking ahead, we anticipate engaging in more impactful community initiatives.