Head of Pre-Prep's Message

As we conclude an enriching and vibrant Term 1, I am thrilled to extend my heartfelt gratitude to both our wonderful children and our supportive parents. It has been an incredible term filled with dedication, growth, and numerous achievements. Throughout these past weeks, our students have demonstrated an admirable commitment to our school values, fostering an environment where learning and respect thrive. Their hard work and enthusiasm have been truly commendable, and it's evident how much they've learned and accomplished. Reflecting on this term, it's a delightful challenge to pinpoint specific highlights as our Pre-Prep has been a hub of excitement and learning.However, some remarkable moments stand out. We successfully introduced our new Baby Dragons group, welcoming our youngest learners to DBS, fostering an inclusive learning environment. Our Nursery 'Pignic,' celebrating the Three Little Pigs through our Talk for Writing approach, was an event filled with cre...