Headmaster's message Friday 6th October 2023
Dear Parents and Guardians, This week we have celebrated our annual Science Week. This is now a significant event in our calendar which each year goes from strength to strength. This year's theme was 'The Atmosphere' which gave us an excellent opportunity to explore a range of themes including how objects move through the atmosphere, the different atmospheric layers and climate science and meteorology. The week ended with one of Mr Neville's now legendary assemblies and this year, it was beyond amazing. Mr Neville kept the plans very secret and I had heard rumours about him coming down from the ceiling in the Araya Hall. What we did not expect was for Mr Neville to have completed a skydive for the event. It was truly outstanding! This week and next week we are running our leadership development programme with two highly skilled trainers from the UK running professional development for staff as well as our Sixth Form prefect team who had an excellent session yesterday. ...