Senior House Rewards Trips

The senior house rewards trips took place on Tuesday. Our Year 12 and 13 travel and tourism students led two separate events as part of their A-Level coursework.

The first trip to depart was to Icon Siam. Twelve students who had won the lucky draw had the opportunity to watch the Wonka film, enjoy a Shabu lunch, and explore the shops. Meena, Ping, and Yui led this team, ensuring student safety and monitoring their enjoyment throughout.

The second trip to depart was to Gamesmith. This excursion was led by PorPor, Pheam, Hachi, and Kampun. Students had a great time in the arcade and playing laser quest. The students on this trip had lots of fun participating in these activities with their friends.

These trips served as a fantastic incentive for students to collect house points this term, and we hope to organize more house rewards trips in the future. The travel and tourism students who organised the event have gained valuable leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills that they will use in their future studies and careers.