Headmaster's message 7th June 2024

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This week we had wonderful Year 5 and 6 production of We Will Rock You, the fantastic jukebox musical based on the music of Queen. The performances were amazing and all of Year 5 and 6 were involved and many parents really got into the spirit of the event with their rock and roll outfits!

Today was the Early Years Sports Day and the sports halls were alive with activity as parents brought their children around each of the activities. Next week is also a very busy week for Sport with students participating in the Bangkok games, some of which we are hosting and some of which is held at other international schools around the city. In addition to the BISA schools, we also get to compete against some non-BISA schools. The spirit of this event is about participation and all students in Year 5 and 6 will get to take part at some time during the week.

Tonight we have our Year 2 residential with students camping in the school overnight. Many parents and children are often nervous about their first residential in Year 3 so we decided to implement this step to help prepare them. There are lots of fun activities planned!

I will be out of school next week from Monday to Wednesday as I am inspecting another international school on behalf of the British Government as part of their British Schools Overseas (BSO) accreditation. This is a very valuable activity for me to be involved in as it gives me the oportunity to make comparisons about what we offer here compared to other schools.

Have a nice weekend!

Jonny Liddell
