Headmaster's message 28th June 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
It has been an absolute pleasure in this final week seeing all of our students on that stage, be that for Mini Dragons graduation, Prize Days or the graduation of our pioneer Y13 class.
This year had gone extremely quickly and this in part has been because as we have grown, the opportunities for our students have multiplied. When I look back through the calendar, weekends that have events are more than the weekends that don't.
I am so proud of all of our students achievements this year in sports, music, the arts, academics, dance, robotics and world scholars events to name a few. There is an expression that comes from boxing- 'punching above your weight' which roughly means to gain results better than expected and beyond one's experience. This has been a year where in almost every area, DBS has been 'punching above its weight'. I look forward to more years at DBS where we continue to do so.
The summer time is a time for rest but also for reflection. We spend a lot of time in the quieter summer months considering what we need to do to improve further. I would like to thank parents who have given us regular feedback either directly or through our parent reps as this really helps us to refine what we do.
In August we welcome 3 replacement teachers and 11 additional teachers to DBS. I am sure you will be very pleased with our new recruits who were carefully screened for their experience and put through a rigorous multi-step interview process.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our students a wonderful summer. Meeting them all at prize day today made me feel very proud to be their Headmaster.
Best wishes,
Jonny Liddell