Head of Prep's Message

Reflecting on a very special year

This week, we enjoyed two ceremonies to formally acknowledge the development, progress, and achievements of all Prep School students. It is wonderful to see every student step onto the Araya Hall stage to be recognised for the DBS values and skills that they have displayed well this academic year. We also enjoyed beautiful musical performances and a superb speech from our Head students, Jani and Liberty. I hope that every student feels a great sense of pride for the growth and development they have made this year.

In every school year, every student faces their own unique challenges, and progress looks different for everybody. Our Prize Day ceremonies are a time to celebrate every individual and the success that they have achieved in all areas of school life. This will include increased knowledge, greater confidence, developed skills, or new experiences gained. For all of the DBS Prep School staff, it has been a pleasure to see our students learn, grow and develop. We are filled with anticipation and hope for the next academic year and look forward to seeing their next steps and future successes. Always to Greater Things!

I wish all families a wonderful summer break and look forward to welcoming you back to DBS on Wednesday, August 21st!

Best wishes,
Mary Bridges
Head of Prep School