Final Week in Reception - The Ladybird Class
As we wrap up our final week in Reception and prepare to soar into Year 1, we've been buzzing with excitement about all that lies ahead. This week has been filled with memorable moments and learning adventures!
In Maths, we took a trip down memory lane, revisiting all the wonderful concepts we've explored this year. It's been incredible to see how much we've grown and learned together.
Our journey through the cosmos continued with some thrilling experiments. We concocted 'magic potion' and watched in wonder as it fizzed on moon rocks. Exploring star constellations, we created our own celestial patterns using marshmallows and toothpicks. Our exploration extended to galaxies and the Milky Way, where we crafted stunning chalk galaxies on black paper.
On Thursday, we celebrated with a spectacular space picnic. Dressed in our finest space gear, we enjoyed a lunar picnic and engaged in a variety of space-themed activities. It was truly out of this world!
Our year culminated in a joyous Prize Day, where we applauded the incredible achievements of each and every Ladybird. Thank you for being such a supportive and loving community throughout the year. Your encouragement means the world to us.
To the Ladybird Class, you are simply amazing! Your curiosity, laughter, and enthusiasm brighten our days without fail. A special thank you to Miss Jet and Miss Janica for their unwavering support and dedication.
As we embark on a well-deserved summer break, I look forward to crossing paths with many of you in the future. Wishing you all a safe, joyful, and relaxing holiday season.