Tulip Class: Fruit Week
This week in the Tulip Class we learned all about fruits. We had some really creative activities where the children explored fruits through different sensory experiences. We made yummy fruit smoothies together. The children chopped up the fruit, helped us add it to the blender, and enjoyed trying it afterwards. We also had a lot of fun with music this week, singing and dancing to our favourite songs and learning some new ones. It has been great to see how their love of music has supported their language development. We read the story, “Oliver’s Fruit Salad” in which Oliver makes a fruit salad with his family. On Thursday, the Tulips welcomed their families who joined them in making a fruit salad. The Tulips were very excited and proud to share their routines and classroom with their families.
- Miss Taryna, Miss Angel, Mr Gino, and Miss Sai