Head of Prep's Message
Dear DBS Prep Parents,
Today marked the end of Mental Health Awareness Week, which has been a fantastic opportunity to think about how we can all support the well-being of ourselves and others. Students have engaged in some thoughtful activities, one of which was undercover! On Monday, students were tasked with being a secret angel for someone else in their class or form for the whole week, thinking of ways that they could brighten their day and how this, in turn, made them feel. We know that doing things for others is one of the best ways to find happiness in ourselves but sometimes we can get lost in the busyness of life. Having the focus to do small things to help others seems to have given our students the chance to spread some joy and kindness across the Prep School.
It was fantastic to see so many of our parents visiting the classrooms during our Y3-6 Open Classroom this week. Sharing the learning with parents demonstrates its value to the students, keeps motivation and engagement high. It also provides an opportunity for parents to see our learning environments, meet each other and speak with the teaching staff. We would like to thank our Y3-6 parent community for attending.
This week, Mr Orton and I have enjoyed hearing feedback from teachers about their recent learning walks. This is an opportunity for teachers to watch each other and reflect on aspects of our High Quality Learning Framework. They highlighted some superb strengths and areas that they would like to explore further as we look ahead in the planning of professional training and development for the next academic year. One key strength that was clearly evident is the teacher / student relationships and the way that every child is well supported to shine in the classroom, regardless of their starting point or level. Staff also commented on the high levels of engagement and skilled way that teachers ensure that all children are contributing to the learning process, through questioning and discussion. As leaders of the Prep Team, we are excited by the ideas and commitment of the whole academic team to provide the highest quality learning opportunities for students.
I am eagerly looking forward to our upcoming Parent Forum next Tuesday and the Sports Award Evenings on Wednesday. These events are not only a celebration of our students' achievements but also an opportunity for us to connect and discuss their progress. Your presence at these events is highly valued, and I hope to see many of you there!
Very best wishes,
Mary Bridges