Caterpillar Class - 10th May


We have had lots of fun this week competing our story map for “Giraffe’s Can’t Dance”. We have waltzed and rocked and rolled while using our language skills and actions to re-tell the story. In Maths we have enjoyed singing “10 Current Buns”, “10 Fat Sausages” and “5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer” as we explored the concept of subtraction using the key words and symbols for ‘take away’ and ‘equals’. The children used lots of different objects to show their understanding of how subtraction works.

In Jigsaw we talked about friends and what makes a good friend using our ideas to complete the jigsaw as a class. We enjoyed repeating the refrain “make friends, make friends, never, ever break friends” and thinking about what we can do and how we feel when we fall out with our friends. Our writing this week focused on looking at what we can do and what we can’t do yet. We liked celebrating all the brilliant things we can do and coming up with ways to challenge ourselves with what we can’t do yet and talking about how important the word ‘yet’ is.