Deputy Headmaster's Message - Happy Songkran

Dear Parents and Guardians,

What a wonderful way to end Term 2 - the DBS community coming together to mark our respects for Songkran, the Joe Louis show, then the fantastic DBS talent show to finish the day. I especially enjoyed the 'rod nam dum hua', where Mr Liddell and I participated in every ceremony with all year groups, meaning that we were able to thank each and every student in the school.

The Songkran holiday is a special one for me and my family and we will ne heading to an island for a week of rest and relaxation, after which we will return to stay with my wife's hometown to celebrate Songkran with the extended family.

I hope that you have a lovely break with your family and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 22nd April for the start of Term 3.

Take care and be safe over the break,

Simon Fowler

Deputy Head