Woodpecker Class
This week in the Woodpecker class, the children have begun to learn our talk4write story ‘Where’s my Teddy?’ They have written fantastic setting descriptions and letters to the lost teddy, using descriptive language. In Maths, the children have been practising counting in twos, fives and tens and have started looking at equal and unequal groups. During our Jigsaw lesson this week, the children discussed what it meant to be healthy. The children had brilliant knowledge on how to be healthy gave examples of what we should do such as eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. In Science, the children had their first lesson all about sound and discussed sounds they liked vs sounds they don’t like. They are looking forward to learning about sources of sound over the coming weeks. On Wednesday, the children were thrilled to have their grown ups join them in the classroom and show them all the hard work they have been doing! Well done on another fantastic week Woodpeckers - keep up the good work!