Thank you, Mr. McCaul, for creating the giant Origami Crane for the Year 9C Japan project
We all witnessed a fantastic and memorable event during the 2024 DBS International Day before the mid-term break, organised by Mr. Apter.
Year 9C students celebrated Japan as their representative country. Year 9 students began to brainstorm ideas on how they could influence and engage the DBS community to share their enthusiasm for Japanese cultural knowledge during their preparation sessions. On the remembrance day, I shared
Sadako's story along with a peace message. Sadako, born in Hiroshima, attempted to create 1000 cranes with wishes for world peace. Inspired by Sadako's story, Year 9 students decided to create something meaningful with cranes. Mr. McCaul kindly offered to create a giant crane using solid materials as a beautiful art project. The Giant Crane was displayed in the foyer of D4 during the International Day event, and it was a collaborative effort involving Year 9C students
in its artistic decoration. The members of the Crane team were Teddy, Charming, Arin, Anna N, Karn, Jeen, and Pun Pun. They dedicated their time and showed excellent commitment to their artwork. Other Year 9C students also made significant contributions by organising activities and creating an informative display board.
As Mr. McCaul mentioned, these cranes will now become part of the DBS art collection, carrying with them fond memories to cherish in the years to come. Year 9C students were fortunate to be involved in this project, which not only enhanced their teamwork skills but also taught them the importance of committing to their tasks within a limited time.
I look forward to witnessing this giant Origami crane bring us fortune with its wings and serve as a witness to the valuable and meaningful learning experiences at DBS, both current times and in the future.
Masako Chikushi
Japanese Teacher
Year 9 Form Teacher