Ladybird Week - 8th March
It's been an exciting and educational week in our classroom as we've delved into the fascinating world of plants and shapes. Here's a glimpse into what we've been up to...
Last week, Farmer Duck left us a special letter asking for our help and a packet of seeds to plant. Inspired by this, we've been learning all about the life cycle of plants, what they need to grow, and their importance in our world. We've had hands-on experience planting seeds in little bags with tissue paper, ensuring they have plenty of water, and observing them closely as they begin to sprout on our classroom window. We're eagerly awaiting the day when we can transfer them into soil and continue to nurture them as they grow.
In literacy, we've been immersing ourselves in farm-themed activities, sparked by our recent encounters with Farmer Duck. Using our phonics knowledge, we've been exploring the sights and sounds of a farm and using descriptive language to write about our observations. It's been wonderful to see the children's imaginations come alive as they express their thoughts and ideas through writing.
In maths, our focus has been on 3D shapes. We've been exploring the properties of different 3D shapes and investigating which combinations of 2D shapes can be used to create them. Through hands-on activities and interactive learning, the children have been developing their spatial awareness and understanding of shape concepts.
Another great week! Well done, Ladybirds!