Head of Prep School's Message


Dear DBS Prep Parents and Guardians,

We're excited to be back at school after a rejuvenating half-term break. The students have returned, brimming with energy and enthusiasm. We're excited about the many events lined up in the coming weeks, which we've been busy preparing for. One such event is the Year 3&4 students' production, just a few weeks away. The melodic sounds of their rehearsals have been echoing through the floor 5 corridor, promising a memorable show. We look forward to seeing many of you there!

Today, the Prep School assembly was transformed by the Year 5 students' impactful initiative. They led a peaceful protest, highlighting environmental issues and advocating for improved sustainability efforts within our school. Their persuasive letters to the Senior Leadership Team were not only well-crafted but also offered practical suggestions for reducing waste and saving energy. This has led to tangible changes, such as increased recycling bins and a focus on reducing food waste. Their passion will be further showcased at our upcoming Eco Conference on March 15th, where a recycling initiative will be launched. We hope this inspires you as much as it does us, to work towards a more sustainable world.

Over the coming weeks, we will focus on an area of the DBS (Developing Better Selves) Code to continually push and maintain the highest standards for our students. Our current focus is on punctuality, a vital aspect of success in school and life beyond. Students who are 15 minutes late each day will miss 75 minutes of school each week and more than an entire week over the academic year. Morning lateness also disrupts a child's confidence in school life. Key messages are given at the start of the day, along with relationship building as we check in amongst classes and form groups. Being on time demonstrates respect for the people ready to start on time, which is a key value for students to learn as they develop their independence. We greatly appreciate your support in teaching our students the importance of punctuality in school.

I hope to see you at our Prep Parent Forum on Tuesday next week, and warmly invite Year 3-6 Parents to our workshop on Thursday March 7th, about 'The Journey to Year 7'.

Very best wishes,

Mary Bridges