Colours Everywhere - Sunflower Class 🌻
Welcome back after the half term. Thank you to those families who have shared photos and videos of what the children did over the holiday and where they visited. The children love looking at each others photos so we would be very happy if anyone else would like to share their photos on Tapestry. Looking at these photos with the class is such a great opportunity to support the development of the children’s personal and social skills as well as their language skills.
This week our focus has been on colour and the children have been really enjoying singing songs about colour and exploring colour in all areas of their play and in the environment. Lunchtime has proved to be a great time to talk about colour and it is wonderful to hear the children using so much English vocabulary!
On Friday, we were very excited to be able to take a couple of groups of children out on the Mini Dragons bike for the first time. Miss Taryna rode the bike and Miss O accompanied children in the carriage to ensure they understood the safety aspects. The children did brilliantly, sitting safely in the back with their seatbelts and their helmets on. They went on a short trip from the garden and back, supported by a member of the DBS ground staff. Not everyone had a go this time as some children were reluctant to go on and others were very engrossed in their play in the garden so chose to continue playing. We will make sure they are offered the opportunity to go first next week.
Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
Best wishes
Miss Sarah, Miss O, Miss Ploy and Miss Angel