Headmaster's message Friday 16th February 2024

 Dear Parents and Guardians,

Today was a day where I felt particularly proud of our school. It was wonderful to share with you the premier of our new school video. What a journey the school has had over the last 7 years. I hope, like me, you see DBS as your dream school

Despite the logistical challenges we faced having to make adaptations due to the air quality, we had a very successful international day. Many parents commented to me that this year was much more relaxing with more indoor spaces available. The indoor parade was also much better for students and gave every student in the school an opportunity to be on the stage of the Araya Hall.

We had more good news with BISA Volleyball last weekend with our U13 boys only losing 1 game and finishing 3rd in the tournament and our U13 Girls winning the tournament. We also got the results of our Mathematics Olympiad entries. 2 students qualified for the Cayley Olympiad and 4 got best in their year group. This week we also had two excellent performance time events showcasing our young musical talent.

Last night we had the very fun, energetic and competitive staff vs parents basketball competition. This was a great way to bring the community together and we have plans for further competitions moving forward.

After a busy half term, it is time for a week of rest. We will see you in one week recharged and ready for the next half term.

Best wishes,

Jonny Liddell
