Caterpillar Class - 2nd February
A very busy week full of fun and excitement. Our rehearsals for Chinese New Year are in full swing and the children are looking forward to showing you their performance next Friday 9th. In our writing this week we have been using our imaginations to think about what might happen next to the troll after he has fallen off the bridge. The children are all proud of their writing work this week and enjoyed using their own ideas in their books. Maths this week has looked at the concept of time. From thinking about the days of the week and what different things we do to understanding that time can be measured in long or short amounts we have completed lots of practical activities using the sand timers in class. One of our favourite parts of the week was being introduced to a bee-bot, a small programmable robot that we can make move forwards, backwards, left and right. Everyone had a go at seeing if they could make the bee-bot go to different parts of the mat.