Head of Senior Message - What's a scholar?

In this week's assembly, we talked about scholars and today we were assessing scholars and it is a welcome time to remember what exactly scholars look like at DBS and why are they seen as so much more than just getting a discount from tuition fees.

In the Senior School, we think of a scholar as someone who really loves a certain subject and has a clear passion for an area. One that is theirs alone and one that can be clearly evidenced by both words and actions. This love for learning is what makes our students excited to dive into their subjects, ask questions, and want to learn more. Being a scholar here means understanding the fun in learning. It's not just about getting good grades; it's about liking the journey of figuring things out. Our scholars are curious, they think carefully about things, and they always want to know more. This way of thinking it's for everything they do, whether it's science, maths or business.

Our teachers are like guides on this learning adventure. They help our students understand their subjects better and inspire them to think for themselves. It's not just about memorising facts; it's about enjoying the whole process of discovering new things. We also believe that being a scholar is not only about school. It's about growing as a person and being a good friend to others. Our students are encouraged to explore beyond the classroom, get involved in activities, and learn about different cultures. This helps them become well-rounded individuals with a broader view of the world; nurturing great global leaders remains a core part of our business.

In short, being a scholar is a lot more than just doing homework or getting good grades (this is what good students do). It is about loving to learn, finding joy in understanding things, and growing as a person along the way. They are students who are role models who live and breathe the idea of always to greater things.