Head of Prep's Message


Dear DBS Prep Parents,

We had a wonderful time celebrating Diwali at DBS on Monday! Students and staff gathered to learn about the cultural significance of this revered Indian festival. We enjoyed a captivating student-led performance, accompanied by the gracious contributions of our Indian families and friends, who prepared exquisite traditional snacks and shared thoughtful gifts, offering a glimpse into their vibrant heritage. This communal celebration provided a meaningful platform for our school community to come together and honour the beauty of Diwali. Thank you so much to the parents, staff and students who helped to create such a magical start to our week.

On Tuesday, our Year 6 students enjoyed a fascinating talk by Professor Brockleman. Mr Orton arranged this in preparation for the Year 6 residential to Khao Yai National Park. Professor Brockleman, renowned for his extensive research on gibbons, captivated the audience with his profound knowledge of these magnificent creatures and other wildlife prevalent in Khao Yai. The session was highly informative and incredibly engaging, sparking a flurry of questions from the students. Professor Brockleman kindly donated some books to the DBS students and commented that he was highly impressed by their curiosity and active participation. We hope to have another opportunity to welcome him back to DBS in the near future.

Yesterday, we enjoyed our first Prep Sports Day of the year, with Years 3-6 battling it out in track and field events in their house colours. It was an action-packed morning, with over 230 students competing in the various events, but there was one common theme: courage. Seeing the effort and commitment everyone gave to doing their absolute best was magnificent. Our students gave their all, and whatever position they came in, I hope they left feeling proud that they had represented themselves and their house admirably. Congratulations to Buckingham House, who came out victorious across all combined events, and well done to everyone for making the event such a joy to watch! Thank you also to the Sports Department for providing wonderful opportunities and teaching our children that the most important competition is against yourself, to embrace challenges and push your limits.

Today we wrapped up Anti-Bullying week with Odd Socks Day and some thought-provoking section assemblies. Students have engaged brilliantly with this important topic, recognising that their efforts don't conclude here. Our dedication to fostering a culture of respect, empathy and inclusivity at DBS remains unwavering. The students' awareness of actionable steps towards this goal has been really inspiring. 

Next week, we look forward to our eagerly anticipated residential trips! I wish every student a wonderful experience and happiness, making special memories that will last a lifetime.

Have a great weekend,

Mary Bridges

Head of Prep School