Dear DBS Prep Parents,

Welcome back to Term 1b! It has been a fantastic week back in school, and we were delighted to hear from our musicians who had been away on the DBS Music Tour to Malaysia during the break. In our assembly this morning, they shared their experiences of a remarkable five days of culture, performance, creativity and adventure! The presentation linked superbly with our focus on the DBS value of courage within the assembly. Despite what we might initially think, courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is having fear but doing something anyway. Travelling to a different country, being away from home and performing for others are all excellent examples of courage. Well done to all that were involved!

All Prep School students have been set a 'courage challenge' for this half term. Every student was asked to think of something that scares them and then challenged to do it over the coming months. Examples of things they could do include:

  • Trying something new
  • Standing up for someone
  • Asking questions
  • Making new friends or entering a challenge or competition
We look forward to seeing what courageous acts help our students to take new steps in developing themselves!

Over recent weeks, we have met with the Prep Parent Reps from all school sections. The meetings have been insightful and productive, and we value hearing your feedback and working together to ensure we can achieve the absolute best for our students. Following our meeting this week, we have been looking into developing school snacks to the same standard as the lunch offering, improving bag storage for Year 7 and 8 students, and finding the right balance between online and paper-based homework. I look forward to reporting on outcomes and developments in the coming weeks.

Next week, we look forward to welcoming both students and parents on-site to enjoy a Halloween celebration in fancy dress. The gates will open from 7:30 a.m., and I hope you will join us for photos and fun! #dbsscares

Very best wishes,

Mary Bridges