Caterpillar Class - 22nd September


What a fun and busy week we have had in Reception Caterpillars. A highlight of the week was Tuesday’s ‘Cool for School’ session where we loved learning new songs and dancing and singing. This week we have also enjoyed using actions and the tuff tray puppets to re-tell our story ‘Owl Babies’, We liked joining in with Bill as he said ‘I want my mummy!”. The children created their own owls out of clay and feathers after going on a nature walk to see if we could spot the DBS owls. In Maths we revised the language of ‘big’ and ‘small’ and compared size as we measured ourselves. For Phonics we continued with our set 1 sounds, this week learning how to say, read and write the sounds ‘I’, ’n’, ‘p’, ‘g’ and ‘o’.