A busy week in the Butterfly class
Well done, Butterfly class for another fabulous week of learning! What fun you have had finding out more information about birds and their habitats. This week we really enjoyed starting to make some birds boxes for the many birds we have seen around our school! We have even found a pair of beautiful owls that live in the roof next to the DBS tennis courts-what luck:) We have loved using torches to play in a dark classroom and the children have laughed a lot at the scary faces they can pull in the dark! It has been lovely meeting our parents properly and finding out a little more about your children's interests at home too. In maths this week we have been investigating the concept of BIG and small. We measured ourselves and the children also had fun giving the correct items to big and small bears. In phonics we have made an excellent start to the year and it is so wonderful to have your support at home, practising how to read and write the letter sounds we are sending home in your child's book bag every day. Well done Butterflies. Mrs Grassi x